Mystery Goose
The small goose below was feeding with a flock of 25 Canada Geese, haven't got a clue what it is. I think it is a possible hybrid of something, if anybody has a clue please let me know to rest my mind.

On the way to Top Hill Low I called in to Willerby Carr which is just 10 minutes down the road from where I live. As I drove down the lane towards the Carr large flocks of Goldfinch's, Redwing, Fieldfare and Chaffinch's flew along the hedgerows, mixed in with the smaller birds were Bullfinch's and Redpoll's.
I eventually came to the field that I had wanted to look out, a field which after some decent rain fills up with water to form a very large scrape in which to my amazement 13 Whooper Swans were feeding on the edges. Also on the scrape were a flock of 25 Canada Geese and as I counted them I came across a very unusual goose feeding with them. As I stated above if anybody could identify this goose it would be appreciated.
looks like a melanistic canda goose maybe one of the 'american' races.
very odd looking goose.
Thanks Darrell, I had a feeling it was some sort of a race of Canada Goose, its just its size that through me, quite a great deal smaller than a normal Canada.
surfbirds 'id discussion gallery' has a photo of a barnacle goose x snow goose which looks similar
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