Saturday, February 18, 2012

Yorkshire Coast Crossbills

Whilst photographing Crossbills on my local patch in Wykeham Forest a group of passing ramblers asked what I was photographing. I replied Crossbills in which one of the ramblers replied 'you only get Crossbills in Scotland', in which I replied 'they are resident in areas across the UK and here they are doing very well'.

A couple of them took a peak through my camera and could not believe that they were actually looking at Crossbills in the UK and only minutes from the Yorkshire Coast. I told them this is the reason why I live here, it's an amazing place and so diverse in rich habitats. They went on their way and I could hear them for several minutes talking about seeing Crossbills for the first time and in Yorkshire - just brilliant.


Matt Latham said...


Steve Race said...

Cheers Matt

Joe Beale said...

This whole post is excellent - the photos and the story! The only thing better than seeing something nice is being able to show it to others and making them not only happy, but more aware of the wildlife around them.

Mike Randall Bird Photography said...

Great set Steve.

Chris Train said...

Fantastic shots of beautiful birds.

Millhouse Photography said...

Wow. Great shots of a stunning bird.