If you take a trip to RSPB Bempton Cliffs Reserve you will see that the Gannet colony at Staple Newk View Point is in full swing. Most of the chicks now are bordering on fledging looking very dark in colour and nearly as big as the adults. Most of the other seabirds have now left the cliff with only the Gannet still big in numbers.
There are still a few Kittiwakes, Fulmars and the ever present Herring Gulls on the cliffs, but all the Auks have returned to the sea. There has been reports of Arctic and Great Skuas seen passing the reserve moving south past the Flamborough Bird Observatory, and now is a good time to also keep a look out for Shearwaters on their migratory path.
I will be holding my third exhibition at the reserve on Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th August from 10.00am to 5.00pm so please pop in and say hello. Also on the 29th is the first RSPB Shearwater and Skua Cruise sailing on the "Yorkshire Belle" from Bridlington Harbour at 9.00am. For more information and to book a place on the cruise(s) call 01262 850959 or email bempton.cruises@rspb.org.uk.