Every so often you get a quite period which for me has been to long. Then we get the snow, rain and winds and you just hope and pray that something will drop in to your local patch or at least a place nearby. In a small village just north of Whitby in North Yorkshire, UK called Newholm the above MEGA had taken a strong hold to a local garden feeding station.
Oh yes, a Black-throated Thrush of the atrogularis race had arrived coming over from northern europe probably Siberia. I woke up early this morning the weather was horrendous with heavy rain and extreme low level cloud totally a photographers nightmare. Well I made the effort to try and capture some images of this stunning bird.
I managed to get the above images, but could not seem to get a picture showing the back of the bird. I shouldn't complain because I got close views and the bird seemed very happy in the presence of lots of human activity (birders galore). I am going to pop back tomorrow as the weather forecast seems very good, hopefully I may get the shot that I am looking for, but I can guarantee it's going to be busy.