Also today some very shocking news!! I found the 1st winter Black Throated Diver injured on the side of the road next to the harbour slipway with a fractured skull, broken right wing and a fish hook attached to its breast with fishing tackle leading from the hook up to a tangled mess around its bill, but the bird was still alive. Apparently it was seen flying in to a lamp post head first and then falling on to the road by a passer by, I managed to put the bird in to a cardboard box whilst I called the local wildlife rescue officer - Jim Ward to come and take a look at it.
Whilst waiting for Jim the RSPCA turned up (called by the passer by) to which I passed on the bird. Once Jim arrived he took a look at the Diver but it was just a case of putting the poor bird down, the RSPCA took the bird away for a second opinion at there local HQ and that was the last I saw of this magnificent species. The Diver had been in the harbour since early November giving great views and good photographic opportunities (check out my posts of this bird).