Common Redstart
Velvet Scoter
Bar-tailed Godwit
Firstly apologies for the lack of posts to my blog recently. I have had a new edition to the Race family, another little boy "Sam Race", so as you can imagine things have been a bit hectic so I have changed holding a camera to holding a baby boy.
I did manage to get an afternoon out with the camera in between changing nappies, so I took a trip to Filey Brigg. Once I got on the beach the waders were showing well with 3 Dunlin and a large party of knot being very obliging. A single Bar-tailed Godwit kept its distance, but just managed to get a couple of record shots.
Took a walk to the Brigg end and bumped in to Ian Robinson from Filey Brigg Bird Group who had found a pair of Velvet Scoters feeding just off the south side of the brigg. Quite distant, again just managed a record shot. Got great view through the bins, it was great seeing these sea ducks fairly close to shore. Whilst watching the ducks a Blackbird flew in off the sea closely followed by a Goldcrest, I wonder how far those birds had travelled before they hit the brigg?
After staying with the Velvet Scoter for 30 minutes, I then decided to take a slow walk back to Filey Bay to find Ian again watching something moving about the rocks in front of him. It was a beautiful Common Redstart which for me was quite unusual to see perched on a rock on Filey Brigg.
I had taken this afternoon trip with fellow wildlife photographer Andy Shepherd from West Yorkshire who travels to the Yorkshire Coast quite often. Andy produces some outstanding images, so I can't wait to see what images he produced on the day!
Please keep checking out the blog and my website, updates will be a little slow but don't let that fool you in to thinking that I have stopped going out taking images, just have other important issues at the moment - right where did I put that dummy!